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Media and Speaking Inquiries

I am available for media appearances, interviews, guest writing, and speaking engagements on psychological topics including the intersection of chronic illness and mental health, ADHD, trauma, mental health issues related to women's health and wellness, effective coping skills, how to support loved ones dealing with stress, the relationship between executive functioning and mental health, and more. 

Katie Lawliss standing on her porch smiling
Misty Slopes

Nowakowski, X., Lawliss, K., Callard E. (2021) Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Diversity in CF Care: Guidance for Health Professionals [Patient Task Force Meeting Presentation]. Cystic Fibrosis Reproductive and Sexual Health Collaborative (CFReSHC), online.

Lawliss, K. (2021) Let's Talk About Sex: Even If You Have Cystic Fibrosis [Poster Presentation]. APA 2021 Convention, online.

Villanova University Outreach Programs (2021):

Coping During COVID-19 Pandemic

Violence at the Capital 

Guest lecturer for high school psychology class at Peru Central School, Peru, NY.

 Coping During the Last Year (January 2021)

Co-creator and manager of Managing Wellbeing During Times of Uncertainty-Webinar Series (2020)

Creating Meaning in Your Days During COVID-19

Lawliss, K., Flanigan, A. (2018, April). Get Psyched: Mending the mind while mending the body [Conference Presentation]. Western Regional Pro Bono Network Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Andrews, S., Lawliss, K., Douglas, S., Goodman, L.B. (2014, April). The effect of using fitness balls in place of chairs on the behavioral and reading skills of preschool children [Conference Presentation]. Fiat Lux Florida Southern College Academic Showcase, Lakeland, FL.

Andrews, S., Lawliss, K., Douglas, S., Goodman, L.B. (2014, February). The effect of using fitness balls in place of chairs on the behavioral and reading skills of preschool children [Conference Presentation]. Eastern Educational Research Association Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

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